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همه رده ها > Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery
تلفن : 02166487727

Atlas of Cardiac Anatomy

سال انتشار : 2023
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شابک 9781942909576 9781942909583
نویسندگان Shumpei Mori; Kalyanam Shivkumar
سال و نوبت چاپ 2023
تعداد صفحات 392
تعداد صفحه  

نقد و بررسی اجمالی

Atlas of Cardiac Anatomy

Atlas of Cardiac Anatomy represents a new standard for the study of the human heart.

Drs. Shumpei Mori and Kalyanam Shivkumar have created a visually stunning presentation of more than 200 full-color photographs of the human heart and its adjacent structures.

Atlas of Cardiac Anatomy includes unpublished and restored iconic photographs from the Wallace A. McAlpine Collection at UCLA and new images from the UCLA Cardiac Arrhythmia Center based on the methods and photographic techniques for the study of cardiac anatomy pioneered by Dr. McAlpine.

This first volume serves as a core foundational study of cardiac anatomy and provides a basis for planned atlases edited by Dr. Shivkumar in the series, Anatomical Basis of Cardiac Interventions. Electrophysiology, structural heart disease, imaging, and cardiac surgery are the focus of future atlases.

The authors’ goals are to offer an exceptionally comprehensive resource on cardiac anatomy. It aims to inspire new solutions and provide additional perspectives for skilled interventional and surgical operators. More broadly, it is likely to be useful for anyone caring for patients with cardiac disease.

Includes access to 25 anaglyphs (3D images). 3D glasses required for viewing and are not included.

The authors are at the UCLA Cardiac Arrhythmia Center, Los Angeles, California

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